
Green Tara Training for Women

By November 3, 2023September 5th, 2024offline retreat

14th Feb – 27th Feb 2025

Location: North Goa

Green Tara

Wonder Women Teachers training program

Super early bird offer

Rs 94,555
Rs 1,28,000

I am ready to be in my power

In its vast tapestry of spiritual traditions, Tantra stands out as a path that embraces the totality of human experience, weaving together the threads of body, mind, and spirit into a rich curriculum of transformation and awakening. Within the realm of Tantra, the figure of Green Tara emerges as a beacon of compassion, wisdom, and feminine empowerment. The Green Tara Tantra Teachers Training Program embodies the essence of this sacred tradition, offering seekers a profound journey into the heart of Tantra and the teachings of Green Tara.

At its core, the Program is a sacred initiation into the mysteries of Neo and Classical Tantra, providing participants with the tools, practices, and wisdom necessary to become adept teachers and guides in the tradition of Green Tara. Rooted in ancient lineage teachings and infused with contemporary insights, this program is designed to empower participants to embody the qualities of Green Tara—compassion, wisdom, fearlessness, and boundless love—and to share these teachings with others.

One of the key pillars of the Green Tara Tantra Teachers Training Program is the exploration of the divine feminine. In a world that often marginalises and suppresses the feminine, Tantra offers a revolutionary perspective—one that honours and celebrates the sacredness of the feminine in all its forms. Through practices such as meditation, mantra chanting, womb rituals, and embodiment practices, participants are invited to reconnect with the divine feminine within themselves and to honour her presence in the world around them. In doing so, they not only deepen their own spiritual practice but also contribute to the healing and transformation of the collective consciousness.

Central to the Green Tara Tantra Teachers Training Program is the cultivation of compassion and loving-kindness. Green Tara, often depicted with one foot extended in readiness to spring into action, embodies the swift and compassionate response to the suffering of the world. Participants in this program are guided in the cultivation of a heart that is open, receptive, and willing to embrace the pain and suffering of others with love and compassion. Through practices such as Metta (loving-kindness) meditation, Tonglen (sending and receiving) meditation, and the chanting of Green Tara mantras, participants learn to embody the compassionate presence of Green Tara and to channel her healing energy into the world.

Another key aspect of the Green Tara Tantra Teachers Training Program is the integration of Tantra into everyday life. Tantra is not just a spiritual path—it is a way of living, a way of relating to oneself, others, and the world with presence, awareness, and reverence. Participants in this program are encouraged to bring the principles and practices of Tantra into every aspect of their lives, from their relationships and work to their daily routines and self-care practices. Through the integration of Tantra into everyday life, participants learn to live in alignment with their highest truth and to embody the wisdom and compassion of Green Tara in all that they do.

The Green Tara Tantra Teachers Training Program offers seekers a profound journey into the heart of Tantra and the teachings of Green Tara. Rooted in ancient lineage teachings and infused with contemporary insights, this program empowers participants to embody the qualities of Green Tara, cultivate compassion and loving-kindness, and integrate Tantra into everyday life. In doing so, sisters not only deepen their own spiritual practice but also contribute to the healing and transformation of the world. As we embrace the divine feminine and awaken to the truth of who we are, we step into our power as agents of change and embodiment of love in the world.

  • Your journey on this path of tantra does not have to be similar to anyone else’s.
  • Become a certified Tantra coach/ healer with this training
  • YOU can be a beginner in tantra or a coach, learning this program will help deepen connection to yourself & the principles of the feminine & masculine
  • Learning through this program can empower you to transition into a life/ spiritual coach.
  • You would be able to use these teachings in further helping your students or in your personal life.
  • Through the Green Tara program we are creating a conscious community of women in leadership roles who would like to enlighten themselves & others. Who would like to lead as a role model, embody the teachings, and share with their local community/ world.
  • You will be mentored till the very end. With an added benefit of access to our exclusive ecosystem/ community to support this journey.
  • Receive an opportunity to teach via the evolvebeings platform online/ offline or offer counselling sessions. We are here to build a community of Evolutionary Women.
  • Feel deeply, express fully and artistically offer your heart devotion in ecstatic communion with or without a lover.
  • Transform past hurt, old wounds, self sabotaging patterns into reevaluations of profound love and deep trust.
  • Creating a successful business and believing in your passion and dreams.
  • Slow down your nervous system, retrain your thoughts

Course Curriculum?


Module 1

Introduction and Invoking Green Tara Mantra

Module 2

Power of heart – Healing from any heart aches, breaks, rejections, insecurity to feel at home. To be connected with your source of love. Bringing self love, contentment and peace.

Module 3

Fluidity of emotions: Feeling and expression. Healthy expression and communication is important in any relationship. Learning about our emotional self and intelligence.

Module 4

Fire and water:Understanding sexuality and sensuality. Power of your sexual energy to create. Conditioning, guilt , ignorance to power, love and creativity. The Eros, understanding the sexual shadows, becoming free to be open and how to be that multi orgasmic woman.

Module 5

Opening womb, understand and connecting with the moon cycle

Module 6

 Ancestral healing, connecting with the inner child healing

What Practices Would You Learn

  • Green Tara Rituals and Invocations
  • Classical and Neo tantra practises
  • Breathwork
  • Sensual Somatic Work
  • Movement as Meditation Practise
  • Tantric Massage and Ritual
  • Embodied Sacred sexual practices
  • Yoni Healing Practises
  • Womb Healing Practises
  • Cultivating self-love
  • Understanding Polarity and chord cutting rituals
  • The Art of Everyday Ritual and its importance
  • Everyday Meditation Practises to heal
  • Trauma Informed Practises
  • Mudras and its importance


*Limited Seats

Super early bird offer

₹ 94,555
₹ 1,28,000

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Mohini Srishati

Mohini Srishati is the founder of which is an online educational platform for spiritual and Tantra programs. She is the creator of Wonder Women festival, which is an event hosted online/offline to ignite many women hearts and souls.

Mohini Srishati is the founder of which is an online educational platform for spiritual and Tantra programs. She is the creator of Wonder Women festival, which is an event hosted online/offline to ignite many women hearts and souls. She is a versatile woman surfing in real life through different roles of being a mother, tantrica, business woman, evolution expert and a traveller. Her ability to relate is unconventional and open, in the most romantic and playful way. She is an avid learner and has spent time with many tantra teachers and is inspired by Osho, Goenka and Mooji. She is a certified Tantra teacher from Tantra essence.

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