Bashar Waleed

Bashar Offerings

Bashar offers a range of services, both online and in-person, to support your journey:

Would like to offer:

  • Men’s Coaching: Explore your role in relationships and society, understand your relationship patterns, and learn to live a more vibrant and fulfilling life. Become the best version of yourself, naturally.
  • Couples Counseling: Deepen your connection with your partner, build trust, and create a foundation of mutual support. Learn to navigate challenges together and create a thriving relationship.
  • Breathwork Sessions: Experience the transformative power of breathwork techniques. Bashar guides you through practices that facilitate deep healing, increased energy, and alignment with your body and spirit (offered in private and group settings).
  • Integrated Packages: For those seeking a comprehensive approach, Bashar offers packages that combine coaching and breathwork sessions, designed to accelerate your growth journey and provide ongoing support.

Ready to unlock your full potential? Book your session with Bashar today and embark on a transformative journey.

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About Bashar Waleed

Bashar is a passionate guide who empowers individuals and couples to navigate life’s complexities. He believes the key lies in understanding our own emotions and thoughts, and unlocking the power within to overcome any challenge. His approach emphasizes the simplicity and richness inherent in everyday experiences, encouraging us to trust ourselves and tap into our authentic selves.
Life, while not always easy, offers opportunities for growth. Bashar helps individuals break free from limiting patterns and step beyond their fears.
Bashar draws upon a diverse background in Western and Eastern philosophies and practices. He has completed two years of psychology studies in Sweden, coach training in Europe, and breathwork and Kundalini yoga teacher training in India. Additionally, he has immersed himself in various tantric teachings. This unique blend of knowledge informs his approach and allows him to tailor sessions to your specific needs.

Get a private session
with Bashar Waleed.

Choose from 30min / 70min sessions