Ma Sarita

Ma Sarita's Offerings

She offers an international Tantra Teachers Training, comprising 4 two week modules, the one month, Ultimate Tantra Mystic Massage Training and The Goddess Essence Teacher Training. Sarita and her Kaula Team also offer numerous shorter groups and courses worldwide, such as Master Lover, Sacred Sexuality and Sex to Superconsciousness.

About Ma Sarita

Tantra master, mystic, author of “Divine Sexuality: The Joy of Tantra”

Ma Ananda Sarita is a world renowned Tantra master and mystic offering courses, retreats and trainings throughout the world.

Having received a direct transmission from Osho, she is true to the spiritual essence of Tantra and guides her students on the path of self realisation. At the same time, she helps people to transcend the psychological issues which are carried as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences. She is also a master healer, author and producer/ director of Tantra online courses.

She began teaching in 1990 and moved to Europe in 1999 where she established a School devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts. She is author of two books on Tantra and also publishes a monthly newsletter and numerous articles in a wide range of magazines.

Online Courses
by Ma Sarita .

Goddess Essence – The Goddess Unveiled

The Goddess within and the Goddess without. By discovering who you truly are, you open to your full potential. Join me as we go on this amazing, joyful, celebratory, sensual path together!

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