

15th Nov to 17th Nov 2024

Breathwork Retreat – Heal & Grow

Venue: Mandrem, Goa

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6th Dec to 10th Dec 2024

Art of Love & Intimacy

Venue: Nalanda Retreat, Goa

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27th Nov to 1st Dec 2024

Wonder Women Festival

Venue: Amritara Aura Resort & Spa, Goa

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29th Jan-2nd Feb 2025

The International Tantra Festival

Venue: Amritara Aura, Goa, India

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8thth-14th Feb 2025

Awaken as Love Training

Venue: Sohum Spiritual Resort, Goa, India

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14thth-27th Feb 2025

Green Tara Wonder Women Teachers training program

Venue: Locomo, Goa

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Couples Tantra

The conflict between man and woman, the conflict between the male and the female energies in life. Chinese medicine says that imbalance between male and…
October 12, 2021

Meditation brings grace, peace, silence, blissfulness...
a freedom which nobody can take away from you.

OSHOExcerpt from his book

What they said.. !

I hope every woman gives this present of self love to go into deeper layers of sisterhood and vulnerability, without judgement and jealousy.

JoyThe Netherlands

I learned many many things about how to reconnect with my inner goddess, my femininity and my sexuality and I’m so grateful to the organisers for creating this festival. This has been a really deep experience for me and I cannot wait to come back again! I leave here with a deep sense of sisterhood


It was a very powerful experience to be all women together and share such deep work and learn tools to take away with me for me to practice at home. I think every woman should join for this beautiful experience!


This festival came to me as a blessing. I was missing the feminine energy around me. I was missing myself. After attending this festival, Im ready to rock the world and Im ready to meet myself. I feel I have embodied the courage and strength to live this life in a more fulfilling manner. Its so empowering and beautiful when you find yourself in others! Step out and embrace this realm of magic!


I lived one of the most transformative experiences of my life during the Wonder Woman Festival. Women I was surronding by were so benevolent. I felt home, protected, secured. It felt like being in a family - with people on the same journey : reconnection to our sacred feminine power. The wisdom of the teachers was unbelievable, in Tantra, in dancing, in arts. I learnt how to reconnect with my sens and body, with my creativity, with my Shakti. Everyday, I keep one piece of these magical moments with me to spread them like glitters in my daily life.

Anais Le BrechFrance

Wonder Woman Festival’ was just GREAT and really need a time to absorb and process the teachings received , each of them touching me in a different way, opening new views.... feel so grateful to each teacher , their journey and wisdom, beloved Srishati, deep love and gratitude for this most precious offering

Beatrice Ordeix

This was one amazing online festival! So much offered by knowledgeable teachers. It opened a door to a new territory for me. Thank you and I highly recommend.

Mrl Synd

Participated, still received, learned, grew, enjoyed , growing in curiosity and feel so happy and grateful to the wonderfull women and teachers present , thank you for sharing

Beatrice Ordeix

I cannot, really cannot put my gratitude, my love into words. Thank you so much for this incredible opportunity, for all the sessions, for the time, care, love of all the amazing teachers and you all sisters. I felt nourished, seen, supported, loved. My deepest gratitude to you all

Gabriella Czifra

It was an incredible journey for me, lots of tears and realisations. Observing the physical pain and listening, embracing my femininity and exploring sexual energy and its connection to the heart! Got so much learning and inspirations from the teachers!… May our existence on this planet earth be always dance, joy, music and love. Looking forward for more opportunities super wonder women from all over the globe!

Nino Lotishvili

thank you for this incredible Journey!! it has been so potent and expanding. I have felt so much gratitude during these days and after. Thank you, Thank you! for organizing this amazing festival

Ariam Kelemeworki

Awesome topics, healing vibes, loved it... thank you amazing Shaktis for sharing your wisdom

Bettina Wellen

This festival changed my life, really. I am so grateful to all the organisers, teachers and all the woman that joined the festival, although I watched recorded sessions on YouTube, I felt the supportive group energy. Learned so much, heart is full of love. And I got to know so many wonderful teachers

Nele Joks

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